Sunday, November 3, 2013

Sunday Globe Special: Portrait of a Former President

An obscene monstrosity by the New York Times:

"Painting tops politics for retired president; George W. Bush is a man who ‘relishes life’" by Peter Baker |  New York Times, November 03, 2013

DALLAS — Nearly five years after leaving office, the nation’s 43d president lives a life of self-imposed exile in Texas, more interested in painting than politics, recovering from a heart scare, privately worried about the rise of the Tea Party, golfing with fervor, bicycling with wounded veterans, and enjoying a modest revival in public opinion.


(Blog editor literally fell out of chair and collapsed on floor when he read that plateful of steaming stink this morning) 

And if he is worried about the rise of the Tea Party (him and Rove), that tells you something in light of the AmeriKan  jewsmedia's demonization of them. 

I'm not saying Tea Party is perfect, but if the PTB don't like 'em.... 

So is the bicycling due to guilt feelings, and please tell me he is no longer painting bathroom portraits. As for having a heart, the f***ing thing is black.

That his voice remains silent may be all the more striking given how much he seems at the center of the debate anyway. Some of the issues dominating Washington trace their roots to his time in power — including whether to use force to counter weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East and finding the right balance between security and privacy when it comes to the surveillance state.

Well, at least the New York Times admits it is now a surveillance state while leaving the implication that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. What a piece of $hit is the New York Times.

When President Obama’s health care rollout was botched, some looked to Bush’s expansion of Medicare for lessons. When Obama vowed to fix it, he promised a “tech surge,” emulating the language of Bush’s second-term troop buildup in Iraq. And when Obama pushes lawmakers to overhaul the immigration system, he makes a point of noting that his predecessor supported it too.

Yeah, great, that's why we voted for "change."

But Bush seems to miss none of it.

And we don't miss him, not one bit. The only thing missing is him in a Hague jail cell.


Bush is not completely removed from public policy. His institute promotes free-market economics, global health, democratic reform, and other causes. 

Yeah, just ignore all the depleted uranium munitions he littered over Iraq and Afghanistan. 

Btw, where did all that Haiti aid money go? You and brother Bill Clinton where supposed to be the $tewards.

He travels to Africa as part of a program fighting cervical cancer. He broke his silence recently to advocate immigration legislation, in effect bolstering Obama.

His main passions these days, though, are elsewhere.

Bush, who is 67, has a regular seat near the dugout at Texas Rangers games and gave the coin toss at a recent Southern Methodist University football game.

“I would sum it up as library work, speeches, painting, golfing, and mountain bike riding,” said Mark McKinnon, a friend and former consultant. “The most consistent characteristic about President Bush is that he truly loves and relishes life.”

And he took it away from so many in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. 


Also related: Globe Shovels Some Texas Bullshit 

They did it again today.