Saturday, September 14, 2013

Obama's Alphabet Scandals: Shill Shield

It still won't mask the smell coming from those sacks of $hit.

"Senate panel supports shield law for journalists" by Sari Horwitz |  Washington Post, September 13, 2013

WASHINGTON — Groups such as WikiLeaks would not be protected, congressional staffers said. They said agreement on the bill was a compromise between Senators Chuck Schumer, a New York Democrat who had proposed a broader definition, and Dianne Feinstein and Dick Durbin, Democrats from California and Illinois, respectively, who had proposed a narrower one.

‘‘This legislation ensures that the tough investigative journalism that holds government accountable will be able to thrive,’’ Schumer said in a statement. ‘‘I’m hopeful that both parties can come together and pass it quickly on the Senate floor.’’

I'm doing all I can, scum.


Good thing all I'm doing is reporting on the crap that comes out of the corporate press. 


Six Zionist Companies Own 96% of the World's Media
Declassified: Massive Israeli manipulation of US media exposed
Operation Mockingbird

Why Am I No Longer Reading the Newspaper?

Now you know why they never made a big deal over the spying on AP reporters. 

Also see: Globe Not on Guardian 

That is a glaring omission that proves the point. 

UPDATE: New Zealand Sucked Into NSA Scandal 

None of you are safe.